Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) - Updated 23.08.24
A guide to the Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) for pregnant women
A guide to the Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) for older adults
Shingles – Updated 07.11.23
Shingles is spread by the virus “reawakening” in your body following a chickenpox infection at any point in your life – it is typically reactivated in older age, or by certain medicines, illness or stress. The rash developed by the illness can be extremely painful and the pain can remain for many years after the rash has disappeared.
The eligibility for Shingles vaccination has been extended:
If you are immunocompromised, the earliest eligible age will move down to 50 years and the eligible cohort will include all those aged 50 years and over.
For those who are not immunocompromised (The immunocompetent) , there will be a phased rollout. The change to the eligible age will be implemented in a phased manner, in 2 stages, each of which are spread over 5 years.
During stage 1 (1 September 2023 to 31 August 2028)
The vaccine will be offered to those turning 70 and 65 years on or after 1 September 2023. Individuals will remain eligible until their 80th birthday.
Please note that anyone aged 65 to 69 before 1 September 2023 will not be eligible for shingles vaccination until they turn 70 years of age.
Those persons aged between 70 to 79 that were eligible for the vaccination programme before 1 September 2023 will be offered the vaccine.
During stage 2 (1 September 2028 to 31 August 2033) The vaccine will be offered to those turning 65 and 60 years of age. From 1 September 2033 and thereafter, the vaccine will be offered routinely at age 60 years. Those who have been previously eligible ( in stages 1 and 2) will remain eligible until their 80th birthday.
(NB: The shingles vaccine is not available on the NHS to anyone aged 80 and over because it seems to be less effective in this age group).
You can have the shingles vaccination at any time of year, though many people will find it convenient to have it at the same time as their annual flu vaccination. Ask at reception for information.
Tetanus & Polio
– Protection against tetanus and polio should be kept up to date. A full primary course with a booster at 14 years of age should be followed by at least two boosters at 10 year intervals to protect throughout life.
Babies & Children Vaccinations Clinics
This practice follows the national policy for childhood immunisation and clinics are held regularly.
You will receive notification to make an appointment direct from the health authority. Please bring with you to the appointment your Personal Child Health Record (red booklet), your appointment card and your signed consent form.
If you are unable to keep the appointment please let reception know in good time beforehand.
Cervical Cancer can be caused by Human Papillomavirus types 16 and 18- recently the HPV vaccination has been introduced into the schedule for boys as well as girls aged 12 to 13.
Meningitis vaccinations - up to date details on the current range of vaccinations can be found on the NHS Immunisation Schedule website.
– Annual protection against influenza is offered to patients aged 65 and over and those at high risk, e.g., with chronic heart, chest and breathing disorders, and diabetes.
It is also available to pregnant women, carers and frontline health and social care workers. Children aged 2 and 3 will be eligible for vaccination at the surgery, children in primary school will be vaccinated through the school programme. Usually children aged 2 – 17 are offered the vaccine as a nasal spray.
We arrange a vaccination programme annually in the autumn – usually October,
Special arrangements are made for patients who are housebound or in residential or nursing care.
NB: Since the pandemic patients aged 50 and over are also eligible for a free flu vaccination.
Travel Immunisations
A practice nurse will give advice on any NHS immunisations required.
The NHS website guide can help you understand the vaccines offered in the UK and when to have them.
Travel advice should be obtained from a travel clinic, where you can also receive any other non NHS vaccinations required.
Useful websites (click here to visit):
Superdrug travel advice - a public access website giving travel health information for people travelling abroad from the UK.
Foreign and Commenwealth Office