Covid-19 Out of Hours News

West Shepton, Shepton Mallet, Somerset, BA4 5UH

Tel: 01749 342 314

Contact Details


What is the Patient Participation Group (PPG)?

The Surgery has had a Patient Participation Group since 2008 and it works with Grove House Surgery and patients to help improve services and to ensure the patient voice is heard.

The PPG meets at the invitation of Grove House Surgery. Made up of different patients from the Practice, the PPG offers advice and support to the Practice from the patients’ perspective.

Members of the PPG are not medical professionals and don’t formally represent any group. Members try to represent the views of patients generally.

The PPG is not a forum for complaints.

The Grove House Surgery PPG is a member of the National Association for Patients Participation Group.

What does the PPG do?

PPG meetings are attended by senior partners and management from Grove House Surgery and are an opportunity for joint discussions on issues relating to the Practice. These might include offering advice about future service planning or developments at the Practice and raising issues that are concerning patients.

The PPG also helps with the development of patient information, such as patient data, appointments system and car parking issues.

Members of the PPG also talk to patients about their experiences Grove House Surgery and offer advice where appropriate.

When and where do the PPG meetings take place?

The PPG meet bi-monthly, generally held on a Tuesday at 7pm at Grove House Surgery.

The Members of The Patient Participation Group are, as of 13.11.23:

Tony Blaker - Chairman, Neville Jeremiah - Vice Chairman, Elizabeth Farmer, Ruth Green, Jeannette Marsh

Eleanor Norman, Albert Owen, Jo Smith, Jackalyn Hartnell, Pippa Taylor,

There is a post box in the waiting room should any patient wish to communicate with them directly. The Chair of the Group checks this regularly. There is also a patient suggestion box in the waiting room and the group considers any correspondence left there.

Would you like to join our group?

You can contact Jeanette Marsh, one of our members, via email:

Or give your details to Reception or contact the Practice Manager and we will be in touch. Thank you.

Patient survey and results:

Please find the latest feedback from the Friends and Family questionnaire sent out to patients via text message, following an appointment. We are finding that the response rate is much higher with the Accurx system, which is encouraging.

 Click Here for latest Friend and Family Results: